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Application St Goran Hospital

Main applicant - personal information
Contact information to the main applicant
Reference material

Please refer primarily to your account in Stockholm county council's artist database Konstnärsbasen.

As a member, you can showcase your work and receive information on our open calls.

Create an account

If you don't have an account in Konstnärbasen, refer to one of the following options.
Specify a direct link to a website where your reference material is clearly published. The link must be active and lead directly to the page where your reference material is located.
You can submit physical reference materials in the form of printed materials, catalogues, or USB sticks through the mail. Clearly mark your name and reference number directly on the physical materials you plan to submit. We cannot return submitted materials. In the box above, please specify reference number and medium of the physical materials you plan to submit.

By selecting the check box You allow Stockholm County Council to store personal information you provide in this form. Read more here

According to the Personal Data Act (1998:204), no recording or storing of your personal data can take place without your consent. By checking the check box you allow Stockholm County Council to store the personal information you provide in this form.

The personal data can upon request be disclosed to you or the administrators of the website. Provided data will only be used in connection with comments on this [blog/website and shared in connected social media services].

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